" Grey's Anatomy " Season 6, Episode 17
- 「實習醫生」裡貝莉的台詞
"What if I'm not cut out for this?
What if I have no longer passion enough and stupid enough to deal with this crap?"
- From Bailey
I like this dialogue.
It's touching.
After a divorce, Bailey is about to go on her third date.
I think it's not easy to go into a new relationship for Bailey.
She is getting old and only had sex with her former husband.
All her life is giving to her kid and job.
( Tho she is really really brilliant, and I love her so much.)
Here are the things that we thought all the time:
What time is the right time to kiss?
When is the best time to have sex?
Sould I bring condom or not?
If it does go that way, am I suppose to sleepover?